Because I grew up culturally Danish only at home--I never attended school there, or lived there beyond vacations and summers--I am now not quite sure what counts as "Danish" or what counts as my own family's dysfunction, er I mean, tradition. This must hold true for many families, blended or not. So here's my list of five customs or traditions I think are "Danish" but could just be quirks of my own family:
1. You must greet visitors at the airport waving Danish flags (if they are Danish, that is).
2. You must display the flag (could be in the form of a toothpick display on the cake) at birthday celebrations.
3. You must write songs to Danish folk tunes about the honored guest for round (30, 40, 50, etc.) birthdays. (There's a funny story about that concerning my cousin's 40th birthday last week.)
4. A copy of said songs from Number 3 above must be given to the honored birthday guest in a special song holder (inventiveness is operative!) and handed out to each birthday party guest so that everyone can sing along.
5. A Danish saying: If you sing at the table, you will have brown babies. (Note: This rule does not apply to round birthday celebrations which require singing at the table.)
So, what's your on your list?
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