This comes from the folks at Mavin and MASC, the excellent artist Laura Kina, iPride, the Mixed Heritage Center, and the filmmakers of Anomaly. What are you?
More about the challenge as presented on You Tube by Louie Gong (MAVIN Foundation, VP): "What are YouTube?" is posted on behalf of Mixed ROAR (Mixed Race Organizations Against Racism), which represents a groundbreaking collaboration between iPride, the MAVIN Foundation, and MASC- as well as community organizers, activists, professors, artists and filmmakers from all around the country. Mixed ROAR recently got together to talk about the modern multiracial movement. Specifically, we wanted to discuss the following: "where are we now?" and "where do we go from here?" This video challenge/invitation is one way we can keep that discussion moving along.
We invite you to respond to this video with your own. The first ten people of mixed heritage to answer the question "What are you?" will get about 50 bucks worth of free mixed stuff from the MAVIN Foundation. This could be tshirts, DVD's, or books. I don't know for sure, but's free!
Remember, you can answer the question in whatever way feels right for you.
I can't wait to see what people come up with!